NORWAY — The Norway Police Department is seeking help identifying a suspect in a sexual assault in July.

A Facebook post by the Police Department describes the suspect as having “blond shoulder-length dreadlocks, blue eyes, very bad teeth, and very bad skin.”

Detective Gary Hill said the assault happened July 23 during the annual FUDAfest on McKay Road. He declined to provide additional details.

“Whatever you saw on the poster we put out is what we have,” Hill said.

He said police wouldn’t know whether the suspect was directly or indirectly involved in the assault until they had a chance to speak with him.

FUDAfest, which stands for the Fully Unclothed Dancing Activism Festival, has been held at organizer Aaron Fuda’s property for the past 25 years. Each year, he advertises it as a way of bringing the hippies, punks and metal heads together to fight for their rights to party, dance and be naked.


Hill said police have been called to the festival in the past.

“Sometimes, there are situations that arise, and incidents that occur,” Hill said, adding that he was unsure whether anything of this severity had happened before.

If anybody recognizes the suspect, or has information about him, the are asked to call the Police Department at 743-5303.