Recently, the media was all ablaze with coverage of Josh Bowmar’s feat of spearing a 400-pound bear in Alberta, Canada. The whole event was captured on film, which the all-American javelin thrower from Ohio posted online. That’s when the backlash hit about what was described as an archaic and unacceptable hunting practice.

What seemed to bother critics most was Bowmar’s celebrating over his kill with raised arms and cries of excitement.

Non-hunters should know that hunters sometimes do celebrate their success.

I would ask, what is a spear but a shaft with a lethal tip? What is an arrow but a small spear with a lethal tip? What is a bullet but a lethal tip without the shaft?

My view will offend many, but the disconnect of the many offends me.

That disconnect is based on meat-eating people who chose to ignore and who resent being reminded that their hamburger, steak, chops and drumsticks all came from a once living, breathing, cuddly critter that suffered violent death to satisfy their gastronomic pleasure.

“This is a heritage that has existed for a million years,” Bowmar said. “The bear died immediately … I plan on eating the meat and saving the hide so that no part of the bear would be wasted.”

Most folks avoid the reality of consuming animal protein by obtaining their meat in the grocery store. Hunters face that reality.

Henry Hamilton, Otisfield

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