The “buyer beware” slogan gets people’s attention. This year, voters beware.

As a senior, I am concerned about re-electing Bruce Poliquin. His record in Congress shows he votes his party’s line. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is on record planning to cut “entitlements” — code for Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ benefits. Poliquin voted for cuts to all three last year. I don’t trust Poliquin to do the right things for seniors.

Poliquin was late paying property taxes on multiple properties 31 times during the past 10 years.

He refuses to comment about his support or nonsupport for Donald Trump.

All those raise red flags for me.

I will be voting for Emily Cain. Her record as a state senator shows she has integrity and can get things done. She is a positive, trustworthy, compassionate leader, especially for senior citizens.

Diane Grandmaison, Lewiston