AUBURN — Skelton Taintor & Abbott, 95 Main St., Auburn, announces that attorney Amanda A. Meader has become of counsel to the firm.

Meader was a staff attorney for the past five years with the Maine Municipal Association, where she provided legal advisory services to several hundred municipalities on all aspects of local governance.

Before her work at the Maine Municipal Association, Meader co-managed one of the largest general municipal law practices in the state and served as town attorney on general municipal matters and special projects. She has more than 12 years of experience in the areas of municipal, zoning, land use and real estate.

At Skelton Taintor & Abbott, she will provide legal counsel to municipalities and counties across the state, as well as to water, sewer and other special districts. She will also advise private clients on land use, zoning and real estate matters.

She is a member of the Maine State Bar Association and the International Municipal Lawyers Association.

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