WEST PARIS — The Board of Selectmen has accepted a $13,500 bid for a 6.1-acre tax-acquired property on Trask Road.

Town Manager Wade Rainey said that the bid was awarded to David and Sandra Broberg.

“The town received two bids for the tax-acquired property on Map 17, Lot 14 on 11 Trask Road,” Rainey said Thursday at a selectmen meeting. “The first bid was for $12,500, while the Brobergs bid came in at $13,500.”

During a previous meeting, the board had placed a minimum bid of $10,000 on the property.

A second tax-acquired property, on Map 12, Lot 5-2 on Bethel Road, received no bids, Rainey said.

“We’re going to be putting that one back out to bid at some point,” he said.

In other business, selectmen renewed a liquor license and approved a special amusement permit for the Rustic Tavern and Grill, owned by Jason Koskela.


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