WILTON — A local man accused of hiding four grams of fentanyl in the remote-control car he was operating near his home Tuesday is also charged with supplying heroin to a woman who overdosed on it Sunday, police said.

Kyle D. Campbell, 29, was arrested Tuesday on a felony charge of aggravated trafficking in scheduled drugs, after an investigation into the overdose, police said.

The charge is elevated because Campbell’s residence is 200 feet from Academy Hill School. A conviction is punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.

Fentanyl is a potent, synthetic opioid pain medication, estimated to have about 80 times the potency of morphine.

The woman, who lives with Campbell and has a child with him, told Wilton police officer Brian Lynch that Campbell went to New Hampshire on Sunday and bought the heroin he gave her. She overdosed on it, according to the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency affidavit filed with a Farmington court.

An MDEA agent and Wilton officer Derek Daley set up surveillance Tuesday, watching Campbell leave his home and walk back toward it while operating a remote-control car, according to the affidavit.


They approached him 40 feet from his house and asked if he had any drugs or weapons on him. He said he didn’t and allowed agents to check him. Daley asked if he could look at the car. Campbell agreed, according to the affidavit.

“Under the plastic you see a large bag containing powder,” the agent wrote. “This was very easy to see when looking at the undercarriage of the remote-control car.”

Campbell was arrested and taken to the Wilton Police Department. He initially said he had bought 1 gram of heroin for $100. He later said he bought 2 grams, according to the affidavit.

The material tested positive for fentanyl and weighed four grams, according to the agent, who planned to send it to a laboratory to determine whether it was simply fentanyl or a fentanyl-heroin mix.

Campbell’s bail was lowered from $20,000 cash Tuesday to $5,000 cash or a Maine pretrial service contract Wednesday. He remained at the Franklin County jail in Farmington on Thursday morning.
