From the moment that children start school, we instill in them the importance of a good education to get a good job. But if Question 2 on the November ballot is passed, they must also be told that if they get a really good job and stay in Maine, the state will penalize them for being successful. No matter that they will already pay higher taxes because of their income and higher taxes because they own a nice home — the state would take another 3 percent off their wages to help fund Maine schools. Those schools might not be in their district and the funds will be distributed by some government official to go where the funds are deemed necessary.

Wasn’t that what the lottery was supposed to do? How well is that working?

Top professionals and business owners create jobs, donate and support school organizations but, evidently, that is not enough.

There is a mentality these days to shun success.

If people have trouble finding a good doctor now, or any professional person, what will happen when they leave the state?

I will vote “no” on Question 2 and keep hard-working professionals in Maine.

Bernice Fraser, Minot

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