What gives out-of-state insensitive people the right to disturb people on a Sunday afternoon? Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

I did not sleep well Saturday night, so I was taking a much-needed nap when I was rudely awakened from a sound sleep only to find it was someone calling to see whom I was going to vote for. Votes are supposed to be a private matter. My mother taught me many years ago that one’s vote is between that individual and God and no one else’s business.

I realize that some such callers are just hirees by political parties and trying to make a few extra dollars. Being half asleep, I responded angrily and, perhaps, rudely, complaining how I had been awakened, only to discover that I was talking to a recording, making me all the more angry.

If those obnoxious pollsters want to invade my privacy, let them pay my telephone bill. Those nuisance calls can interrupt at totally inconvenient times.

Being on the “do not call” lists does not help because political callers are not subject to the list.

Margaret Proctor, Wilton

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