The recent diatribe surrounding the filthy, moronic and abhorrent words that seem to pour out of the mouths of the political candidates is not “only words.” It is more than that — it is crazy and shows how shallow American culture has become.

Last time I checked, words are how most humans communicate. Please, if I am wrong, tell me a better way for my mother to say to me, “I love you, my son.” Were her words just a cover for how she really felt? What utter nonsense.

If words don’t matter, then I guess that whenever my son say the words “I love you, daddy,” it isn’t really true, but only a cover for something entirely sad and different.

I refuse to follow that line of thought. A human word is/was to hold his/her moral bond.

When we say even the most cursory word to one another, we should mean it and feel good about it. If a person’s words are not good, he should, at least, own up to them.

Saying “thank you” goes further than anyone might think.

Anthony Esposito, Auburn