A pair of recent articles implied, I think unfairly, that I was involved in plans to sell Rumford’s water to Nestle. I would like to set the record straight.

First and foremost, I do not support — and have never supported — any efforts by Nestle or any other private company to assert any ownership over water sources in Rumford, or anywhere else, and I did not “host a meeting” with representatives from Nestle at my home.

Here is what really happened:

Rumford Water District Manager Brian Gagnon contacted me in October 2015 and asked me to sponsor an update of the antiquated water charter — something the Legislature in Maine does regularly. After I agreed to sponsor the charter revision, a public hearing date was set and the public was notified.

Months after the bill passed, Gagnon called and asked to stop by after work. When he arrived, he was accompanied by a Mr. Burns and another person I had never seen before; that person turned out to be Mr. Dubois from Nestle. The four of us spoke for roughly 10 minutes.

Standing in my driveway, Gagnon mentioned plans to test water levels in the aquifer to see how much could potentially be extracted and, if the numbers were favorable, that the Water District might consider entering into a contract with Nestle. I immediately spoke up and let them know, in no uncertain terms, that I did not think it was a good idea for Rumford.


First, I explained that as a state senator, I would do my best to remain neutral in order to hear arguments for and against such a proposal; I immediately went on, however, to explain that, as a resident of Rumford, I knew this would turn into the biggest nightmare in Rumford’s history. Then, I told them “good luck” and sent them on their way.

Had Gagnon or anyone from the water district informed me that they had met with anyone from private corporation prior to my sponsorship of the charter revision, I would have alerted the public accordingly. It was presented to me, to the Legislature and to the public, as a simple and necessary revision of an antiquated document.

I have always been open and honest with my constituents. It is important to me that they hear the truth. If anyone would like to discuss this, or any other issue, in further detail, they should contact me. My door is, and always has been, open to residents.

Sen. John Patrick, Rumford

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