I am writing to voice my support for John Patrick for state Senate.

As Nov. 8 approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in negative storytelling, rumors and attacks.

It’s easy, during a particularly grueling election cycle, to forget about all of the good work legislators such as John Patrick have accomplished.

It’s easy to forget that Patrick has, time and again, fended off efforts to make Maine a “right-to-work” state.

It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that he has devoted his entire career as a legislator to advocating for the people of his district by standing up to corporate interests.

It’s easy to forget his endorsement by Maine Conservation Voters for his 100 percent voting record on environmental issues in the Senate.

I have a pretty good memory, and on Nov. 8 I will proudly be casting my vote for Sen. John Patrick.

Bob Duplessie, Andover

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