RUMFORD — The Regional School Unit 10 board Monday night approved a one-year contract with Rumford for continued use of the Hosmer athletic fields.

The agreement calls for an annual fee of $24,500, the same as last year.

In other matters, the board approved hiring Christopher Whitney as a science teacher at Dirigo Middle School. He replaces Dave Buck who has transferred to a different position.

Whitney is a graduate of the University of Maine at Farmington, a former student teacher in the district and has coached basketball and other sports.

Also on Monday, Building and Transportation Director Kenny Robbins told the board that the lights at Mountain Valley Middle School are 40 years old and beginning to rust. He said parts for them, including bulbs, are difficult to find. He said the cost to replace the lights would be around $200,000.

No action was taken on the information.

Interim Superintendent Michael Cormier told the board that the local Masonic lodges are offering a Books for Bikes program at Meroby and Rumford elementary schools. The top girl and boy readers in each grade level would earn a bicycle.

The board also approved hiring James Scott as a van driver for the district.