WATERFORD — The 17th Waterford Fall Foliage 5K Road Race and Fun Run was truly a family affair this year. Ethan Stockwell, 9, Scarborough came in first in the Fun Run, with a time of 7:02. Arthur Marciano, 12, Buxton second at 7:37, and Lincoln McCaffrey, 9, Frankville, New Jersey third at 7:42.For the girls, Eva Brannan, 9, Lunenburg, Massachusetts was first at 7:15. Susan McCaffrey, 7, Frankville, New Jersey, second at 8:21, and Anneliese Albers, 6, Hamilton, Massachusetts was third at 10:02.

For the 5K Road Race, the overall male winner was Andrew Chingos, 14, Brunswick, with a time of 18:36. In second place, Adam Goldstein, 33, Hudson, New Hampshire with a time of 19:00, and in third, Gardner Waldeier, Waterford with a time of 19:25. For the women, Joanie Albers, 36, Hamilton Massachusetts was first, with a time of 21:27. In second, Sarah Keener, 35, Waterford at 21:35 and in 3rd place was Elizabeth Stockwell, 40, Scarborough with a time of 22:34.

The PTO put on the chili cook off again to great success. The winner of best tasting, was Stephanie Roach, from Harrison. Best presentation was by Patrick Lawler, of Waterford.

$1,000 scholarships are available to every Waterford graduating senior, and could increase if more town residents participated. The race committee works very hard to present this event, which gets better every year. All the hard work of everyone involved, the sponsors, volunteers, the committee, and others is much appreciated. Also, thank you to everyone who send in donations to the scholarship fund.

For a complete list of Race Results: www.coolrunnings.com

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