By not indicting Hillary Clinton, the Justice Department broke or waived many rules of ethical conduct, just to keep her on the ballot.

Lies, misdealings, fumbles, an illegal private server to avoid FOIA requests were all meant to keep Americans from the truth about her four damaging and lackluster years. Her words and actions disqualify her, needing little of WikiLeaks to provide a detailed portrait of the Clinton political machine and the corruption that would unravel these blessed United States.

What will people do about her next “private server”?

Yes, Donald Trump is gruff, but has experience in the building of America to help all Americans to stand on their feet rather than kneel for another handout.

Voters must reverse this miserable decade now so as not to fail the next generation.

Trump, Bruce Poliquin and no on Questions 1 and 3 are my votes.

Larry Mayes, Lewiston