POLAND — Selectmen on Tuesday approved Fire Chief Mark Bosse’s request to ask dealers to submit proposals for a new ambulance.

The unit would replace Squad 1, a 2007 model with 60,000 miles and serious rust.

“It was on a seven-year cycle for replacement, but we were able to stretch it for nine,” Bosse said.

Selectman Walter Gallagher wanted to know how reimbursements for service given to Mechanic Falls residents compared to reimbursements from Poland residents.

According to reports from Mechanic Falls, Poland has collected approximately 40 percent of what it billed, and is trying to collect another 30 percent and has determined the remaining 30 percent is essentially uncollectable because of insurance policies or patients’ inability to pay.

Poland Rescue provides services to Mechanic Falls from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Gallagher requested that Bosse give the board a breakout on Poland’s calls and payments received. Bosse said he could have that information in a few days.

Bosse said Poland Rescue is able to handle the call volume from Mechanic Falls and because it’s closer than United Ambulance, Poland’s response doubtless made a significant difference in the outcome on several incidents.

Selectman Steve Robinson, noting that revenues were close to what had been expected, requested that the board meet with the Mechanic Falls Town Council to discuss rescue service.

“We want a win-win for both communities,” Robinson said.

They asked Town Manager Bradley Plante to set up a workshop with Mechanic Falls the week of Dec. 5.

Selectmen agreed to hold a workshop on Poland’s calls and payments at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 29.


In his report, Plante thanked all who worked on last week’s presidential election, citing Nikki Pratt, Judy Akers and Brian Kimball as key to helping it run smoothly.

He also noted that 3,284 residents cast ballots, about 80 percent of registered voters. There were 347 who registered to vote on Election Day.

Selectman Stan Tetenman suggested the board consider enlarging and improving the parking area because of the volume of traffic during balloting last week.

In other business, the board:

• Appointed Alexander Duff to the Planning Board through June 30, 2019;

• Appointed Arthur Berry to the Budget Committee through June 30, 2019; and

• Appointed William Almy to the Ricker Memorial Library board of trustees until the April 2017 town meeting.

Plante also announced that the town transfer station will be closed Nov. 24 and 25 for Thanksgiving and the day after.

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