Many Rumford voters were surprised and unhappy to find there was not a Nestle/Poland Spring “yes” or “no” question on the Nov. 8 ballot. The reason there wasn’t is that the Water District charter (revised March 31, 2016) eliminated the requirement that the Rumford Board of Selectmen and the voters of Rumford pass new Water District projects. Now, the three trustees are solely responsible for all new proposals presented to them.

That is too bad, because many Rumford citizens have questions and concerns about a Nestle/Poland Spring operation here. Chief among those questions: What is at stake for Rumford if Nestle succeeds in moving into our town?

For answers, Rumford citizens may attend information sessions to be held Tuesday, Nov. 29, at the Rumford Library. Citizens should also put their questions to the Rumford Water District trustees, the town manager and the chairman of the select board.

Rumford citizens should also turn out in force for the 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, meeting of the Rumford Water District board, to be held in the Rumford Falls Auditorium. A presentation by Nestle/Poland Spring is on the agenda, to be followed by citizens’ questions and comments. The Water Board trustees’ attorney will determine the need for an executive session following the meeting.

Rumford citizens need to stand up and speak out if they want to preserve the priceless water resource and protect Rumford’s future.

Linda Macgregor, Rumford