NORWAY — Town Manager David Holt has told the Board of Selectmen that interviews were underway with the finalists for town assessor.

Early in October, assessor Phinn Walker announced he would leave his position in the near future. Holt said Walker agreed to stay on while the town seeks a replacement.

Holt said he recently sat in on an interview with the first of three candidates. Interviewers included Paris Town Manager Vic Hodgkins and Paris assessor Jerry Samson.

Norway Board of Selectmen Chairman Russell Newcomb and Selectman Bruce Cook led the interview with the first candidate, Holt said.

“The first candidate has quite a number of credentials,” Holt said at Thursday’s selectmen meeting. “After the interview, I asked her to clarify if she wanted to be a full-time employee with the town, or a consultant, and she said she wanted to be an employee. I know that’s what the board is looking for.”

Holt said there were two more candidates to interview, and Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey-Whitman would be joining the interview team.


“She works closely with the assessor, so I thought it would help to have her input,” Holt said. “We have three very unique candidates.”

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Thursday to table discussion on whether to rename the road leading to the Granite Ridge Estate and Barn.

Joan E. Hill of 63 Delano Drive submitted a letter to the Board of Selectmen, asking that the road name be switched to Noyes Lane.

Granite Ridge Estate and Barn is at 65 Delano Drive, which is at the end of the road.

Hill said that last month, someone called 911 and requested a wrecker at Granite Ridge, and they “went all through the neighborhood, going up wrong driveways and looking for the correct address.”

She asked that the section of road leading to Granite Ridge be called Noyes Lane to prevent confusion with emergency services.


Holt said Corey-Whitman recommended that Hill provide the Board of Selectmen with proof that “the other folks on the road agree with this change.”

“It’s not a simple thing to just change the name of the road,” he said. “You need to try and hear from everyone on the road.”

He recommended the board table discussion until Hill can provide them with more information about how other Delano Drive residents feel about a potential change.