FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners voted unanimously Tuesday to hire Rachel Heseltine as webmaster for the county. The decision followed an executive session.

She was selected from among four qualified candidates, county Clerk Julie Magoon said.

The interview committee was made up of Magoon; Jim Desjardins, IT systems administrator; Vickie Braley, financial manager; and Sarah Caton, administrator of the District Attorney’s Office and trial assistant.

Heseltine lives in Chesterville and works at least two days a week in the Registry of Probate office. She is a former part-time secretary for the Farmington Police Department.

The county’s website was created by Lorna Nichols, cook supervisor at the jail. It went online in February. She has been voluntarily posting county government-related items, including the jail booking log and dispatch log since that time. In September, she asked to be paid for the work because it was taking more time than expected.

Commissioners approved a job description and it was posted in-house.


Commissioners said they would not pay overtime. A part-time person was eligible as long as hours did not exceed 40. If someone worked 40 hours a week, they would have to decide if it took all 40 hours to do their jobs or could they fit this work in without going over.

Heseltine will be paid at her current rate of $13.21 an hour. Her supervisor will be Desjardins.

Half the money for the position will come from the Sheriff’s Office budget. The other half will come from county tax-increment financing funds for the unorganized territory, if an amendment to the TIF is approved by the state.

Next year, the position will come under the IT systems budget.