LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen on Tuesday decided against collaborating with Jay, Farmington and Wilton on a retail development contract with Texas-based Buxton Co.

The three-year contract was for $50,000 per year, which would be split among participating communities.

Greater Franklin Development Corp. Executive Director Alison Hagerstrom has been working with Buxton and these communities on the contact.

“What we’re asking you to do, we’re trying to get all four towns to participate,” she said. “Would you be interested in participating if only three towns could do it?”

Hagerstrom said that by improving the retail sector, other businesses could be attracted to the area.

Chairwoman Louise Chabot said she was willing to spend money on the contract from the town’s tax-increment financing fund if it was going to benefit Livermore Falls.


“I don’t think Buxton right now has the answers for our problems,” said Selectman Ron Chadwick. “If you’re going to create employment, it should not be retailers.”

He pointed out that with so many people near or below the poverty line in the region, there was a lack of money to spend on retail goods. This would limit the profit that new retail businesses could generate, he said.

“Community development is the right thing for us, but not on the retail level,” he said. “It should be on the industrial level.”

In other business, selectmen agreed to spend up to $34,980 on a plow truck from Bailey Bros. in Livermore Falls for the Sewer Department.

“I’d like to see us keep the business in town,” Selectman George Cummings said.

Chadwick complimented sewer plant Superintendent Greg Given on his efforts, as the Livermore Falls facility was recognized on a news broadcast for being one of the few in Maine to separate its wastewater and stormwater.


In other news:

• The Fire Department and American Red Cross will team up to install free smoke alarms in Livermore Falls residences from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10. Those who would like an alarm installed can call 207-897-3321.

• Selectmen voted to accept the donation of a projector to the town from resident Robin Beck.