LEWISTON — Lewiston Public Works sanded sidewalks Tuesday after Sunday’s rain and Monday’s freeze left sidewalks coated with ice.

The sanding is expected to continue for days, said Lewiston Public Works Director Dave Jones. Public Works released the list of sidewalks on the sanding list, which includes much of downtown:

• Chestnut, Lincoln, Main, Middle, Park, Spruce, Bates, Pine, Ash and Birch streets;

• Central, Campus and East avenues;

• Farwell and North Temple streets; and

• Old Greene Road, Sabattus and Lisbon streets.

Most of these sidewalks were sanded Tuesday except for Sabattus Street, which will be the first priority on Wednesday, Jones said. “We have a lot more to do. This is a continuing task.”

Warm temperatures on Wednesday will bring relief and make walking easier. The forecast calls for sunny skies and a balmy high of 36 degrees.
Wednesday is also the official winter solstice, when daylight starts to gradually increase.
Thursday’s forecast calls for 2 inches of snow. “We have nearly all our trucks and equipment hooked up and will be ready just in case, but we hope to just have to treat the roads with salt and/or sand,” Jones said.
When sidewalks are coated with ice, pedestrians have to walk in the streets, dodging cars. Officials urge pedestrians to be visible, not wear dark clothing, use crosswalks, watch out for cars and if possible avoid walking in the dark. Motorists should pay close attention, keep windshields clear of ice and snow and look for walkers in the roadway.