I am hoping that Susan Collins, Maine’s senior senator, will make herself visible and raise her voice to have a complete investigation into the recent presidential election interference by the Russians.

That is far beyond a partisan issue, as is Donald Trump’s continued failure to release his tax information and disentangle his finances prior to the vote of the Electoral College. We can not simply pretend that this is normal operating procedure for an incoming president and majority party. The issues of ethics and trust in the election process are far more important than either party’s power.

The more fanatic Republicans, who have spent the election screaming about criminal behavior (with no evidence of any such thing), are now confronted with illegal behavior by the Russians and questionable financial dealings with the president-elect. What will they do? Is the whole situation what they signed up for when they decided they wanted a change?

If not, then I urge Rep. Bruce Poliquin and Sen. Collins to be among the brave ones and raise the questions that need to be asked and seek the answers that the public deserves.

Joan Beal, Norway

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