The Advertiser Democrat recently purchased five wreaths to decorate its office. It purchased them from the sidewalk display of wreaths in front of CEBE and Fare Share Cooperative on Main Street in Norway … in order to buy local.

The wreaths were made by members of the community who went to one of the many wreath-making workshops held at The Center for an Ecology-Based Economy. They include members of Fare Share, Hebron Academy students and an Abby Jackson, an Oxford Hills student who did this as a senior project, and helped organize the whole thing that lasted multiple days/evenings.

David Gardner taught everyone how to make the wreaths. Cyndy Tinsley donated the wreath rings, all brought in decorations for the wreaths and many gathered boughs and tips from their property.

The profit from the sale of the wreaths benefits the Fare Share Solar Energy campaign.

Each wreath is different. Each is unique.

Some have a little more than others. One might have more greenery, another more decoration. Some are fat, some are on the thinner side. Some have a wealth of decoration, some, just a few pine cones.

Some may have been passed over as not perfect enough yet each is beautiful in its own way.

And each wreath complements the other wreaths, creating a lovely symbol of the season.

More importantly, they truly reflect our community in their diversity and illustrate what our community can be when it comes together as one, complementing each other, each bringing something unique to the table.


May each and every one find the joy in Christmas and the beauty in each other.

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