When Randy Corey was a boy, he dreamed of being involved in a Christmas show.

He got his wish. Big time.

For the past 22 years, Corey has directed East Auburn Baptist Church’s Christmas Spectacular, a free community event to celebrate the season with singers, dramatic acts, lights and lasers.  The Spectacular has grown to a dozen shows over two weekends and is so popular that the church gives out 8,500 tickets and there’s still a waiting list. Then that waiting list gets full.

Corey is already planning for next year.  

Name: Randy Corey

Age: 50-ish


Married/relationship/single: Married

Town: Auburn

Job: Special events and creative arts director

How did you get involved with the East Auburn Baptist Church? In the mid ’90s I had a traveling version of the Christmas Spectacular and I brought it to EABC. As they say, the rest is history.

What do you do as director of special events? Herd cattle, cheering coach and literally everything under the sun from writing, singing to producing.

What is your biggest special event of the year? We have two, Christmas Spectacular and The Event (Easter).


What’s your favorite special event? As a kid I dreamed of doing a Christmas show, so I would have to say Christmas. It is a magical time of year and I like to bring the awe and wonder back to the audience.

Tell me about your Christmas Spectacular: It is modeled after the old fashioned Christmas shows from the ’70s, but on steroids. Truly something for everyone.

It is like a variety show!  That is why people like it, you don’t know what is coming next.  It is about an hour and 45 minutes. There is drama, traditional songs, contemporary songs, live animals and a light show like no other.

How did the Christmas Spectacular come about? I dreamed of it as a kid, went out to California for 10 years and was involved in shows there. When I moved back I knew we needed to do it here.

How has the show changed over the years? MORE LIGHTS and more trees, lasers, bells and whistles!

What makes the Spectacular so spectacular every year? There are always classical elements that people come to see and we always add new and creative pieces.


How much work goes into this show? Hundreds of hours with hundreds of volunteers. Just wrapping the trees with lights takes 20 people three-and-a-half days.

Ever think about cutting it down to one night? No. Would you want to go to Disneyland for an hour? Maybe if we had the Portland Civic Center. We give out over 8,500 tickets to 12 shows.

Do you get to sleep at all during the season? Not much!

Best comment you’ve ever heard from someone who’s gone to the Spectacular: “I haven’t stepped foot in a church for 40 years, but I will come to this show” and “I have been to Broadway shows and this is just as good!”

Do you ever perform? Yes, every show! (Singing and drama)

How did the Spectacular go this year? This show does just as much for our church community as it does for those that attend the show. Every year we remember why we spend so many hours practicing and setting up. It is a gift for many!

Plans for next year? Already working on it!

Best Christmas movie: “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “Miracle on 34th Street” or “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”? Hands down, “Wonderful Life.”

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