LIVERMORE — Fire Chief Donald Castonguay told selectmen Tuesday night that New Portland has offered to sell its 1995 squad truck to Livermore for $7,000.

“Our squad is from Florida and not designed for our weather,” said department member Ben Guild. “Last week, the brakes froze up on it.”

The New Portland truck would replace it. The board did not make a decision on the offer.

Guild inspected the 1995 truck, which is set up for cold weather, and said it is in really good shape, runs nice and everything works.

He said the box it can be pulled off and put on a new chassis, if needed, and it has a diesel generator that doesn’t need a separate fuel system. Other features include two port lights on the front and outlets on all four sides to provide additional lighting at accident scenes.

Castonguay said the 1995 squad truck has more air storage capacity so several small tanks can be refilled on scene rather than returning to the station.


He said Livermore’s old squad can be sold for at least $10,000 to pay for the new one. If it isn’t sold, $4,000 from the department’s savings account will be used, he said.

Castonguay said the 1995 truck is yellow and will need to be painted.

In other business, Highway Foreman Roger Ferland reminded residents it’s illegal to plow into or across town or state roads.