Oh, no! Russia may have hacked the Democratic National Committee. Woe is me. Maybe if the DNC had let their servers be examined (as Republican National Committee did) they also would have been secured. Now there are 35 Russian families being sent home in style.

Wake up. President Obama’s “punishment” for Russia has nothing to do with Donald Trump or Russia. It is nothing more than a slight of hand to distract the reactive press from talking about Israel.

It is bad, very bad, that Russia may have tried to influence the U.S. election, but the esteemed broadcast journalists don’t seem concerned that the Obama administration has been accused of interfering with Israel’s elections. Oops.

Did Russia hack the DNC? Who cares?

Should the U.S. hack Russia’s computers? That will show them. Apparently it is good when the U.S. does the hacking, but bad when Russia does.

China hacked the Pentagon’s servers, taking Social Security numbers of U.S. citizens. Is Obama going to send 35 Chinese families home? Then, there was the high school student who hacked the CIA director’s emails. Is Obama going to expel 35 high school students? Let’s not forget that Edward Snowden was given the keys to the castle and allowed to take whatever he wanted.

Russia’s hacking is not the issue. The problem is that the United States of America does not have adequate cyber security.

Catherine Ferrell, Greene

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