I am hoping that taxpayers of Durham, Pownal and Freeport will join me Jan. 10 in voting a resounding “no” on the bond issue to raise $1.5 million for an athletic field, the sole purpose of which is to outshine the wealthier towns to the south.

The project has been rejected twice by the voters in RSU 5. The parents who support the endeavor are sending a message to their children that if you do not get what you want the first time, keep going back until you do — not a great lesson to teach impressionable young adults.

It is also terribly unfair to hold the vote in January, when driving could be difficult. The last thing on anyone’s mind right now is voting.

Not only is the aim to raise more money (which raises more taxes — again), but to repurpose $1.1 million in savings on the high school renovation when that money should be returned to the hardworking, over-taxed citizens of the towns.

The high school was dated and in need of attention. The athletic fields can be improved with the original $600,000 that was allotted in the passing of the original bond issue. Beyond that, if the athletic supporters want more funds, they should go back to the well in their fundraising efforts, but, please don’t burden us with higher taxes, yet again.

Eric Bowie, Durham

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