NORWAY — The Board of Selectmen tonight will discuss a request to extend a six-month moratorium on major construction, renovation or change-of-use projects in four villages in North Norway. The meeting is to begin at 7 p.m. at the Town Office.

At the 2016 annual town meeting, voters approved a 180-day moratorium on such developments in four designated rural villages:

• Swift’s Corner — The area around the four-way intersection of Morse Road, Norway Center Road, Patch Mountain Road and Round the Pond Road; 

• Noble’s Corner — The area around the intersection of Greenwood Road and Round the Pond Road; 

• Norway Center — The area around the intersection of Norway Center Road and Morrill Road; and 

• Chapel District — The area around the four-way intersection of Wiley Road, French Road, Dunn Road and Morse Road.


The moratorium does not restrict home-based businesses, as defined in the Site Plan Review Ordinance, residential development or agricultural businesses.

Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey-Whitman told residents at a 2016 public hearing that the moratorium would give officials time to determine potential impacts of future projects on the area.

Town Manager David Holt said the group responsible for recommending changes to the town’s Site Plan Review Ordinance have requested more time to work on their proposal.

Other items on the agenda include:

* A request to name the crosswalk near Guy E. Rowe School;

* A request to accept Map 27, Lot 125 from the estate of John Longley and name the property Longley Square.