I cannot believe that Maine state officials can be so mean. I just got a letter from the state saying that, since I got a $2 raise from Social Security, my food stamps allotment will be lowered by that same amount.

What a bunch of soulless, mean-spirited administrators.

That is what they do to senior citizens. I get a tiny raise from one source and get it taken away from another. Why bother giving me any raise? I am back to square one. It is a slap in the face. Outsiders get treated better.

I am so discouraged about it all. Why do they waste paper, all for nothing?

I worked all my life here in Maine and brought up my seven children, paid taxes on my home. This is how I am paid back.

Folks like myself are in our later years and should be treated better that this.

I am sure that is the reason why Gov. Paul LePage acts the way he does. He is sick and tired of what is happening here in Maine.

God help us all.

Dolores Ginn, Lewiston