JAY — Town officials, Budget Committee members and department heads will begin reviewing a proposed $6.65 million municipal budget at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 17, in the Spruce Mountain High School library.

The 2017-18 spending plan is $1.38 million more than the current budget. After factoring in revenues, the net amount is proposed at $5.25 million, $1.37 million more than this year’s budget. Of that amount, $1.33 million is part of a settlement to Verso Corp. for overvaluation of the company’s Jay mill and associated properties.

Selectpersons agreed April 25, 2016, to give Verso a credit of $4 million in six payments over three years to settle a dispute for 2013, 2014 and 2015 taxes.

The town paid $1.33 million toward the settlement in 2016-17 through an abatement, according to Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere.

She encourages the public to attend the workshop.

“We would like to have as much public input as possible into what the citizens would like to see in the budget for next year,” she said.

All department budgets are scheduled for review, as well as those for the library, capital paving, debt service, insurance, summer recreation and donations.

If necessary, a second workshop is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30, in the high school library.
