NORWAY — The senior planner for the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments will meet with selectmen Feb. 16 to discuss land-use implications of the state’s new marijuana law, Town Manager David Holt said.

Speaking at Thursday’s board meeting, Holt said John Maloney agreed address what the law means for Norway.

“John may have a better handle on some of the things that we’ve been speculating about, or have been uncertain about,” Holt said. “Having John come up may be instructive.”

Recreational use of marijuana became legal Jan. 30, though a moratorium signed by Gov. Paul LePage will delay certain provisions of the law until February 2018.

Holt said Maloney was “not equipped to speak about the goodness or badness of marijuana. That’s not his job. He’s going to be here to talk about the law that was passed, what prohibitions can you place on certain facilities, things like that.”

Chairman Russell Newcomb said inviting Maloney to speak was a “good place to start” in terms of figuring out whether the town should encourage or discourage retail marijuana establishments.