AUBURN — The L/A Senior Adult Hockey League, played in Auburn, will be hosting their summer league registrations on Sunday, April 2 at The Norway Savings Bank Arena from 6-8 p.m.

Must be 25 years of age. Registration fee will be $285 for those currently playing and registered in the league; $310 for new players. The amount of new players entering the league will be based on the amount of openings.

The Friday night division is designed for newer players and not at a high caliber play of hockey. The Sunday division is based at a higher competitive level of play.

The season is scheduled to start the weekend of April 14-16. Games will be played on Friday and Sunday nights. Season ends late August. Season will consist of a 18 game schedule. No games will be played Memorial and July 4 weekends.

If you are unable to attend Sunday’s registration, you can also register by contacting Matt Bourassa at 576-6143 for the Friday night Division and Roger Binette at 577-3856 for the Sunday night Divsion. You can also email

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