LIVERMORE FALLS — It is the end of an era on the Livermore Falls Board of Selectmen, as Chairwoman Louise Chabot announced at Tuesday’s meeting that she is resigning, effective June 30.

Chabot cited her health and other personal reasons as factors contributing to her decision. She has served on the board for 10 years.

“Being on the board can be very challenging at times, but each board member does so with the intent to do what’s best for the town,” Chabot said.

Nomination papers are available for a one-year, two-year and three-year term on the board. Papers are due back by April 28 at 4 p.m.

The town also needs a school board member: Jackie Knight has announced she is resigning in April. Anyone who is interested can contact the Town Office at 207-897-2016.

The selectmen and Budget Committee held a lengthy discussion about social service agency requests. Last year, the town spent $4,000 on those requests, and this year, the agency requests came to $6,000.


“We only have so much free money and charitable money,” said Selectman Ron Chadwick, who suggested each of the four agencies requesting funds get $1,000.

“There’s got to be other ways to tighten (the budget) than taking away from the poor,” said Budget Committee member Melissa Crocker.

“My concern is I don’t want to be an enabler,” said Selectman Tom Barker. “I know there’s a lot of people that need help.”

“I was homeless at one time,” noted Budget Committee member Jeffrey Roy. “I would have leaped at the idea of help.”

He added that he has since become self-sufficient.

Selectmen and the Budget Committee approved $1,500 for the Tri-Town Ministerial Food Cupboard, $1,000 for the Rural Community Action Ministry and $1,500 for the Tri-Town Fuel Fund.


Selectmen will meet Friday, April 7, at 6 p.m. at the Town Office with the Budget Committee to finalize the budget. The proposed budget totals $2.37 million, which is a $6,446 increase from last year.

In other business, selectmen:

• Signed an agreement for a site evaluation by Wright-Pierce for upgrades at the Livermore Falls sewer treatment plant. The site evaluation cost is $3,700, with Jay, which also uses the facility, paying $2,072 and Livermore Falls contributing $1,628.

• Gave the go-ahead to Fire Chief Edward Hastings IV to look for a surplus vehicle for the Fire Department. Hastings said the department could use a mini-pumper truck, and that the surplus truck would be a replacement for Engine 3.

Livermore Falls Town Office

“Being on the board can be very challenging at times, but each board member does so with the intent to do what’s best for the town.” — Livermore Falls selectboard Chairwoman Louise Chabot