WILTON — The Board of Selectpersons will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, at the Town Office on an application for a $150,000 grant to help businesses improve storefronts.

The town has been approved to apply under a Community Development Block Grant Micro Enterprise Assistance Grant Program, said Darryl Sterling, community and economic development consultant.

Through the program, participating business owners can obtain a 50-50 match on improving the facades of their business. If it is a $10,000 improvement, the owner pays $5,000 and applies for $5,000 to be reimbursed from the grant, he said.

Funding could be used for items such as paint, trim work, signs, new doors or perhaps a handicapped-accessible ramp, he said.

Twelve businesses have indicated interest. Sterling expects the grant could help six to 10 businesses.

The grant application is a continuation of the Downtown Revitalization work done last year that included improvements to Main Street and monument square, Sterling said. The work was financed through a $400,000 Downtown Revitalization Grant.


Empty storefronts are filling with new businesses and four new food-service businesses are expected to open soon. As stores fill, the town’s economy is strengthened and jobs are created, Sterling said. 

There is no cost to the town other than administering the funding.  

A decision on the funding is expected in June. Funds are available after July 1 so most of the work is expected to take place between July and November, Sterling said.

He said $700,000 is available, and he expects the work already accomplished gives the town a good chance of getting the grant.

If approved, the town will sign a contract with the Department of Economic and Community Development. As participating owners complete the work, the town will attest to the work and request reimbursement from the grant for the owner, he said.


Town of Wilton

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