Buckfield Board of Selectmen

Buckfield Town Office

April 4, 2017


What happened: Town Manager Cindy Dunn, who announced her resignation last month, effective June 30, told selectmen she received a proposal for consultant work for the town manager search and selectmen voted to table the proposal.

What it means: The proposal is from someone in town who wished to remain anonymous at this time and the fee is $2,000, plus incidentals. There are 15 services in the proposal, including reviewing the current town manager’s contract and job descriptions, providing a draft contract for the new town manager, working with the board in negotiations for the contract and being the singular point of contact for all candidates, among others. Selectmen voted to explore town manager search services with the Maine Municipal Association.


What’s next: Selectmen will discuss the anonymous proposal and MMA services at their town manager search workshop later this month.

Town manager workshop

What happened: Selectmen voted to keep their town manager search workshop later this month after Dunn told them Selectman Mike Iveson could not attend.

What it means: The workshop is scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday, April 17, at the Town Office, 34 Turner St. Dunn will check to see if it’s legal for Iveson to call in to the workshop. Selectmen will discuss the process for the town manager search, including the possibility of having an interim town manager.

What’s next: Selectmen could hold a public hearing to get input from residents.

Public hearings set


What happened: Selectmen set a public hearing for a liquor license and special amusement permit for the Buck-It Grill & Pub for 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 18.

What it means: In December 2016, when new property owner Lee Johnson originally applied for these permits, Mark McAlister, who leased the property and ran Captain Bly’s Tavern, said he still had a lease for the property. McAlister leased the Turner Street property from Denny and Steve Bly, who sold it to Johnson in June 2016. Selectmen tabled the issue until Johnson could present legal evidence he could run a business there. Late last month, a judge ruled in favor of Johnson, saying he did own the property.

What’s next: After reviewing the judge’s ruling — selectmen received it Tuesday night — an attorney will be consulted if selectmen need interpretation of anything in the document. 


What happened: Selectmen appointed a member to the Road Committee and Planning Board.

What it means: Wilfred Deane Jr. will serve on the Road Committee until June 30, 2019. He will also serve on the Planning Board until June 30, 2020.
