Well, well, well … it seems Donald Trump was right. Susan Rice was involved in the unmasking of members of the Trump team when he was running for president. First she lied and said she didn’t, then she admitted it after it was revealed. She lied about Benghazi, too. Remember the video?

That kind of behavior is unheard of. Officials in Third World countries do that, not in America.

The Obama administration politicized the IRS, the FBI and many other U.S. agencies. Obama claims there were no scandals during his presidency. That’s because they were all kept hidden with the help of the liberal media. Where is the outrage?

I have never seen such a demonstration of hate for an elected president as what I am witnessing from Democrats. I am ashamed of them. Right up to the last minute, they thought Hillary Clinton was going to win and none of the scandals would have been known.

People need to vote those Democrats out and replace them with elected officials who will work together for the betterment of this country.

The current stupidity in Washington is hurting the citizenry.

The Democratic Party is imploding and will never be the party it once was. Too bad.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford