In November, I will be voting for Ben Chin for mayor of Lewiston because he can get things done.

He led the way in opposing the Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) trash program proposed by the city that would have required residents to buy expensive plastic garbage bags. Residents were against that costly and not-well-thought-out program, and the proposal was shelved. That saved Lewiston taxpayers more than a million dollars per year.

Chin researched and voiced concerns around unsafe and decrepit downtown housing, which helped increase code enforcement efforts and held negligent landlords more accountable.

He encouraged the public to participate fully in creating and adopting the city’s first comprehensive plan in decades. Hundreds did take part. “Legacy Lewiston” is an outstanding document that will give direction to the city for decades to come.

Ben Chin is a man of thoughtful action and will make a great mayor.

Jim Lysen, Lewiston

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