LEWISTON — Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club Program Chair and 100th Anniversary Committee Co-Chair Monica Millhime and Secretary Morgan Thorndike represented L-A Rotary at a President-Elect Training Conference in St. Georges-de-Beauce, Quebec, recently.

The three-day event addressed goals for Rotary International in 2017-2018. Workshops included procedures and recommendations for global and district grant applications, recruitment, engagement, membership retention, budgeting, community service projects and other agenda.

Millhime, L-A Rotary’s president elect and employment and training business specialist for Western Maine Community Action at the Lewiston CareerCenter, will represent L-A Rotary Club by attending the District 7790 May Conference in Saguenay, Quebec.

Thorndike is the finance manager of Kaplan University’s Maine campuses.

L-A Rotary meets Thursdays from noon to 1 p.m. at the Ramada Inn, Lewiston. 

FMI:  207-753-9040, mmillhime@wmca.org, www.facebook.com/lewistonmainerotary, www.lewistonauburnrotary.org

Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club Program Chair and 100th Anniversary Committee Co-Chair Monica Millhime, left, and Secretary Morgan Thorndike

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