NEW SHARON — A special town meeting on whether to offer a discount for taxes paid within 30 days, how to fund the discount if it passes and whether to make the road commissioner and treasurer positions three-year terms will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at the Cape Cod Hill School.

During the annual town meeting in March, several voters wanted to discuss and vote on whether to offer a discount for taxes paid within 30 days, as has been done for several years, Selectman Lorna Nichols said.

Selectmen left the item off the warrant, so there was no opportunity to discuss it then, she said. The board felt that all taxpayers would pay for a discount for which only some people could qualify. 

If voters decide to reinstate the discount, one article asks voters to appropriate $36,000 from surplus funds to cover it, she said.

A few voters would also like to see the road commissioner and treasurer positions extended from one- to three-year terms. The town clerk and tax collector position was extended at town meeting, Nichols said.

It was an oversight that these elected positions were not also extended, she said.

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