This letter is in response to the story in the Sun Journal dated April 7, “Unifying the cities.”

The first paragraph stated that the group will make an overwhelming case for unification of the Twin Cities. The group being One L/A.

I respect everyone’s opinion on the merger, however I would like the One L/A group and the Coalition opposed to Lewiston Auburn Consolidation, known as COLAC to debate this very important issue before it goes to a vote in November.

The citizens of L/A have not been privy to the opinions of the administrators of staff in both cities after they met with the consultant group GCR. Interestingly enough, the consultants were paid by the Joint Charter Commission to the tune of over $150,000 — $50,000 of that was given by the state of Maine, through our governor.

I have to wonder how much special interest there is in this effort and what the outlying agenda is. I cannot help but feel that there is a hidden agenda being perpetuated by some members of the JCC, and paying for some of it with state funds.

Larry Pelletier, Auburn