Tom Doak, deputy chief of Wilton Fire and Rescue, was surprised Tuesday when the Board of Selectpersons and Town Manager Rhonda Irish came to the Fire Department meeting. Chairwoman Tiffany Maiuri presented Doak with the first copy of the town report, which was dedicated to him. Doak marks 60 years of service to the fire departments in Rangeley and Wilton this year. He served 47 years in emergency medical services, his wife, Elaine said. He started as an EMT in 1970 and became a paramedic in 1992. “You exemplify what it means to give back to the community,” Maiuri said. At the presentation were, from left, Fire Chief Sonny Dunham, firefighter Stephani Ellis, Doak, Selectpersons Jeff Adams, Maiuri, Jeff Rowe and Ruth Cushman, Irish and unidentified firefighters.

Wilton selectpersons surprised Deputy Fire Chief Tom Doak during a Wilton Fire and Rescue meeting Tuesday, presenting him with the first copy of the town report, which is dedicated to him. Board Chairwoman Tiffany Maiuri commended him for his 60 years of service to fire departments in Rangeley and Wilton. “You exemplify what it means to give back to the community,” she said. At the presentation were, from left, Doak, Selectpersons Jeff Adams, Maiuri, Jeff Rowe and Ruth Cushman, Town Manager Rhonda Irish and an unidentified firefighter.

Deputy Fire Chief Tom Doak, left, looks at the Wilton town report Tuesday during a Wilton Fire and Rescue meeting. Selectpersons surprised Doak with the first copy, which is dedicated to him. This year, Doak reaches 60 years of service to the Rangeley and Wilton fire departments. Copies of the town report are available. The meeting is at 6:30 p.m. May 22 at Academy Hill School. With Doak, from left, were Selectpersons Jeff Adams, Board Chairman Tiffany Maiuri, Selectpersons Jeff Rowe and Ruth Cushman and Town Manager Rhonda Irish.