Never mind the millions of people projected to lose insurance supports they had under Obamacare. Forget the Medicaid cuts of $880 billion through the next 10 years. Ignore the billions of dollars from Medicaid that would no longer go to school systems that provide services to developmentally-delayed special education students.

There are some people who are happy because they don’t have Obamacare, but they receive services through a policy supported in part by their employers.

Then there are those who were once protected by Obamacare’s required breadth and conditions of all health coverage. Note that in states that obtain waivers (under Trumpcare), all major insurers would be freed from regulations requiring them to cover a range of services, including maternity care, substance abuse, prescription drugs, mental health treatment and hospitalization, not to mention the no life-time coverage limits.

Might that be why Republican members of Congress carved out an exception for themselves and their staff from the conditions of The American Health Care Act — aka Trumpcare?

Wait, let’s ask Bruce Poliquin.

Peter Gartner, Bryant Pond