FARMINGTON — The Franklin County Relay For Life event will be held from 5 to 10 p.m. Friday, May 19, largely on Front Street, but also up Broadway and Main Street.

The relay is an organized community fundraising walk that features team encampments around a theme. “This year, we have two tracks, with one being a little more rigorous than the other. There’s a little something for everyone,” said Anna Lyon, a member of the organizing committee.

“We sometimes feel a little hidden away at the fairgrounds. We are looking forward to having everyone in Farmington see what we are up to and, perhaps, join us. It’s a great event for a great cause and we manage to have a little fun with it along the way,” said Nannette Marble, chair of the organizing committee.

The event culminates at about 9:30 p.m. with the Luminaria Ceremony, which features candles in bags, bearing the names of those who have had a cancer diagnosis or have died from cancer.

“The event is a little different this year,” Lyon said. “We’ve switched up the Luminaria Ceremony to include a slide show of photos of our loved ones or images representing them on a large outdoor screen at the Snack Shack, courtesy Narrow Gauge Cinemas. People already attach photos and personal messages to the luminary bags. This will be even more special.”

In addition to the luminaria bags, organizers are asking those who buy the bags to submit a photo of their loved one. This added bonus is free with a luminary bag purchase, but it’s important that people understand it must be purchased in advance. The deadline for having photos included in the slideshow is Monday, May 15.


Survivors and their caregivers are also invited to a dinner and reception at the Snack Shack at 6 p.m. In the dinner, which is hosted by Franklin Savings Bank, survivors and caregivers are served first, followed by other relayers. The dinner is free, but donations for the Relay For Life are accepted.

The Relay For Life is the signature fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Relay is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 27 countries.

Teams raise money for cancer research and patient support and resources. At the camps, teams may sell food or items toward that goal. Teams compete against each other for best representation of the theme, which this year is “Superheroes,” and in fundraising. There are also generally games and contests.

“It’s a family-friendly event,” said Lyon. “We never lose sense of how devastating cancer is to families, but we also know that it’s important to smile too and we try to make the event itself as much fun as we can,” said Lyon.

There is still time to form a team or register as a survivor.

FMI:,, 207-491-1786, 207-240-8128.

Luminaria are lighted in honor of those who have survived cancer and in memory of those who have died.

Co-chair, Crystal Wilde, and Chair, Nannette Marbles, scope out the new Front Street location.

A Luminaria.