FARMINGTON — Second-graders started out running a few laps around the W.G. Mallett School playground and field Wednesday morning before slowing to a walk to raise money to create a walking path.

The sun was shining brightly as they ran, jogged or walked and collected a colored tally stick for each lap they completed. The sticks were to be turned into teachers to determine how many laps each child did.

Kindergartners cheered for the walkers from a hill along the fenced-in playground area.

Students collected pledges for the walk-athon to raise money for a walking path.

The path is part “of an initiative the school began this year to increase playground options for students confined to a wheelchair, or for whom mobility and physical challenges prevent the use of much of our current playground equipment,” Principal Tracy Williams said in an email.

Doug Dunlap, a Regional School Unit 9 director, walked with the children and staff. He kicked off the fundraising last year by contributing funds raised on his Pacific Crest Trail trek.


Students in lower grades were to take part in the walk-athon during the afternoon.

At last count, they were closing in on $1,000 raised, not including any pledges, Williams said.

“We need about $9,000 more,” she said.

If students didn’t bring in their pledge money Wednesday, they still have time to do so.

“We welcome any donations,” she said.


Second-graders at the W.G. Mallett School in Farmington take off at a run Wednesday morning as they began a schoolwide walk-athon to raise money for a walking path inside the fenced-in playground area.

Wyatt Jessen, right, hands second-grader Reese Nye, left, a tally stick Wednesday during a walk-athon fundraiser at W.G. Mallett School in Farmington. Jessen was assisted in handing out the sticks by Ben Engle, who stood next to him, on right, and Koa Dumont, who is partially hidden. Staff and students are raising money to create a walking path within the fenced-in playground area. 

Second-graders Emmett Walker, left, James Wagner and Bryson Madore cheer for classmates participating in a walk-athon Wednesday morning to raise money to create a walking path within the fenced-in playground area at the W.G. Mallett School in Farmington. It is a schoolwide effort.

Reese Nye, front, a second-grader at W. G. Mallett School in Farmington, takes part in a walk-athon at the school Wednesday morning to help raise money to create a walking path in the fenced-in playground area.