TURNER — MSAD 52 voters passed the new school budget Tuesday night.

Superintendent Kimberly Brandt said the overall vote was 93 in favor, 75 against.

Turner voted 41-33. Leeds voted 36-23. Greene alone turned the budget down, 16 in favor, 19 opposed.

The $26.1 million budget represents a 2.2 percent increase over the current year.

Brandt said on Wednesday that she was happy it had passed and already looking forward to moving ahead.

“There’s a lot of work and a lot of thought put into developing the budget and trying to make sure we are meeting our students’ needs and being fiscally responsible to our communities,” she said. “Now that the budget’s passed, we know what we’re doing for next year and energy can be put into the education of our students and start going into our strategic planning, which we’re about to begin, so that’s always very, very good news.”


The 2017-18 MSAD 52 budget is available online.

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