AUBURN —Three members of the nursing faculty and the director of the TRIO program at Central Maine Community College have written an article published in the April issue of Teaching and Learning in Nursing, the official journal of the Organization for Associate Degree Nursing.

Nursing department chairwoman Kathy McManus, instructors Sharon Kinney and Kathleen Montegut, along with Terry Charlton from TRIO, authored the article titled “Nursing Boot Camp: A Project in an ADN Program to Increase First-Year Nursing Students’ Confidence.”

The article describes the CMCC nursing program’s efforts to decrease the attrition rate in the first nursing course. Wanting to improve student success, the faculty offered a daylong “Nursing Boot Camp” prior to students starting their first year in the program. Students who attended reported a significant increase in their confidence when starting their first semester. In addition, faculty members reported improvement in how students were managing their multiple responsibilities at the beginning of the semester.

The article is also available on ScienceDirect, making it accessible to more than 15 million scientists around the globe.

From left are CMCC nursing faculty members Kathleen Montegut, Kathy McManus, and Sharon Kinney. They have co-authored an article, along with TRIO Director Terry Charlton, that has been published in a national journal.