Produced by Maine Poetry Central and Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is by Duane Pierson of Portland. His most recent book is “Melange” by Integratis Publishing.


Reverie by Maine’s Rocky Coast

By Duane Pierson


on pondering what

has been long pondered


the significance

of redoing the obvious

seeking profundity where

countless predecessors

did the unceasing same

watching tired waves


crash on ancient rocks


reflected golden sun

fractures away on

the undulating surface

a seabird effortlessly glides


through splashed foam

as if to signal

a trenchant answer

to something not a question


transcendence is found


in being present

where contemplation

is blithely generated

to finally end

an emptied shell

dropped back

by a screaming gull

into a persistent sea

Dennis Camire can be reached at