WILTON — The town of Wilton had a special guest on Sunday to help its citizens commemorate Memorial Day.

Maj. Richard Daigle of the Maine Air National Guard assisted in memorial observances at the bridge on Main Street and at the Lions Club.

Daigle spoke of the bravery shown by fallen men and women of the military, and encouraged those in attendance to walk through a cemetery or two this weekend, and remember them.

He also asked attendees to remember those who never wore a uniform.

“We tend to focus on (veterans) today, as we should,” Daigle said. “That’s the nature of the holiday. But we should also remember the people who built this community and made us who we are. You don’t necessarily need to wear a uniform to protect our nation.”

Sammie Angel, wife of Clint Bailey, a U.S. Navy veteran of 21 years, sang at the observance on the bridge, and said she wishes people didn’t view the holiday so lightly.


“Don’t celebrate, commemorate,” Angel said. “We need to take away the commercialization of (Memorial Day).”

Daigle suggested listening to some stories to observe the holdiay.

“Memorial Day is about those who have given their (lives), but it’s an emotional day for veterans still here, too,” he said. “I’m sure they have a story to tell, and it might be hard to tell it. It’s an honor to wear this uniform, but it’s earned, not given. It’s not easy.”


Those who attended the Memorial observance listened to Maj. Richard Daigle of the Maine Air National Guard at the Wilton Lions Club on Sunday.

Maj. Richard Daigle of the Maine Air National Guard spoke at the Wilton Lions Club on Sunday in honor of Memorial Day.

Frank Harris, U.S. Army veteran, stands in salute as taps is played, after placing a wreath on the memorial in front of Wilton Lions Club on Sunday.

Maj. Richard Daigle of the Maine Air National Guard visited with those who attended the memorial observance at the Wilton Lion’s Club on Sunday after giving a speech in honor of Memorial Day. 

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