CHESTERVILLE — Residents at a special town meeting Thursday night approved taking $25,000 from surplus to buy public works equipment and transferring $1,000 from the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers account to the Recreation Department.

They declined to raise or appropriate $5,000 for Town Office equipment/supplies and modifications because they were told the money wasn’t needed; $5,000 for government administration; and to increase the tax levy limit.

Some 40 residents attended the meeting, defeating a motion to table the tax limit question until the end of the meeting. Selectman Edward Hastings IV said the question may be moot, depending on decisions that would be made later in the meeting.

Former Selectman Scott Gray said if the tax limit was increased, next year’s tax rate would be higher.

“If money for the equipment purchase is taken from surplus there will be zero affect on the tax levy limit,” Hastings said. “There’s no need to discuss this article.”

The article was defeated 4-32.


The $1,000 approved for the Extension Homemakers to hold a townwide event this year was given to the Recreation Department, after it was learned the Homemakers couldn’t accept it because it was not specifically for a Homemakers event. The money will be used for Chesterville Days this year.

The money article for Town Office supplies and modifications was amended to $0 because Treasurer Erin Norton and Board of Selectmen Vice Chairman Tiffany Estabrook determined it wasn’t needed.

Estabrook said there was enough money left from last year.

Road Foreman Mike Cote asked for an excavator, a trailer to haul it and a road compactor.

Regarding the highway equipment, voters in March approved raising and appropriating $25,000 and borrowing $25,000 to be paid back next year.

The wording on the article prevented voters from taking $25,000 from surplus instead of borrowing it.

On Thursday, residents voted 22-12 to take the $25,000 from surplus instead of borrowing it.

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