BUCKFIELD — Voters will elect two selectmen and a school board director during annual elections Tuesday, June 13. 

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Town Office, 34 Turner St.

Del Dunn and Tina Brooks are seeking a three-year term for the seat vacated by outgoing Board of Selectmen Chairman Warren Wright. 

Former board chairwomen Cheryl Coffman and Martha Catevenis are vying for the two-year term of outgoing Selectman Mike Iveson.

Regional School Unit 10 director Jerry Wiley in unapposed for another term.

Dunn, a veteran and banking specialist, said one reason he wants to run is the changes he’s seen in town since he moved away two decades ago.


When I left the small town of Buckfield some 23 years ago, it was a small, quaint, bustling town where the people all knew and helped each other like a huge family and neighbors – we were more like family than just acquaintances,” he said. “I want to get the community more involved in ‘their community’ and get the folks of this great little town more active and make this back into the town that I left.”

One of the most important issues facing Buckfield is finding a new town manager, he said. He also wants to bring small businesses back, “which would greatly improve the commerce for this community.”

Brooks, an appraisal analyst in the banking industry, said she’s running because she’s a strong proponent of giving back to the community as a volunteer and contributor in whatever capacity needed.”

I have a strong background in finance, real estate and various board and volunteer memberships, which will compliment and promote the town’s ideals,” she added.

For Brooks, important issues facing the town include bringing more small businesses in, “while maintaining the rural charm of our community,” and garnering more volunteers from the community to serve on the town’s boards and committees.

If elected, Brooks wants to expand the town’s communications with residents through social media and other electronic venues.


Coffman, a health care administrator, is running for office to help smooth things out for the town as it searches for a new town manager.

I feel I have experience to assist with the current local transition to a new town manager and can be a calming force on the board in this turbulent time,” Coffman said.

As for important issues, she said, “taxes are always a driving issue to all residents in a community.”

As a landowner I am cognizant of the real need for tax relief,” Coffman added.

If elected, she wants to “bring civility back to the board and be a voice for reason.” 

It is time for some positive change,” she said.


Catevenis is an occupational health and safety consultant. She decided to run because she believes “as the town changes so should the selectboard.”

With the resignation of the current town manager I believe it is time to take a serious look at how this town has been running,” Catevenis said. “The current selectboard is on the right road hiring a consultant to help determine what positions need attention and if we have been running the town as efficiently as we can.”

Every year the town struggles with “how the hardworking townspeople’s taxes are spent.”

I will make sure they are getting what they pay for (through) highly effective administration,” she said.

Catevenis wants the selectboard to set goals and follow through.

My goal is to have every decision made by the board be a discussion first … a plan second … and adequate follow through,” she said. “This is the only way to assure the taxpayer is getting the best service.”


Del Dunn

Cheryl Coffman

Martha Catevenis

Tina Brooks