CHESTERVILLE — Selectmen on Thursday announced the town’s new website is online.

Deputy Town Clerk Rachel Heseltine created the site,, and will maintain it. Nature photographs taken by resident Jane Naliboff are featured on the site. 

Heseltine said additional information will be added as it is becomes available. Once computer upgrades are finished, burn permits, tax payments, vehicle registrations and licenses will be available online, she said.

Heseltine invited anyone with comments or questions to contact her at 207-778-2433 or email

In other business, Selectman Ross Clair asked for time to discuss last week’s meetings.

A special town meeting was held prior to the selectmen meeting because a transfer of funds was needed. The board learned $1,000 approved at the March town meeting couldn’t be accepted by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers, because the money was for a town event, not a Homemakers project.


When they learned a special town meeting would be necessary, they decided to include an article asking voters to raise and appropriate $5,000 for additional office supplies and modifications to the Town Hall.

Selectmen voted to switch to Androscoggin Bank, which would let residents pay for registrations, licenses and taxes online. To do this, several computer upgrades were needed. 

At the town meeting, it was announced the $5,000 wasn’t needed after all. After reviewing budget figures from last year, Treasurer Erin Norton determined there would be enough money in the account to pay for the necessary items.

Clair said he was a bit taken aback that he wasn’t provided that information before the meeting. 

He said he’s all for saving the town money, but to call a special meeting and then tell the voters, “We don’t need the money. Sorry, go home,” didn’t sit well.

“I wish we could have discussed this. People will remember that for a long time,” he said.


Vice Chairman Tiffany Estabrook spoke with Norton prior to the meeting, and said she felt she couldn’t bring the issue to other board members before the meeting because that would have created an illegal selectmen meeting.

Clair said the money could have been approved and returned to the general fund if not needed. He was concerned with the way it was handled.

He said selectmen should show respect for each other and residents during meetings. If a discussion gets out of hand, the chairman should stop it, he said.

“Each week I come in with a fresh perspective. I don’t bring in last week’s events. I’d like to see us all get board training,” Estabrook said.

Selectman Edward Hastings IV said it was a privilege for residents to speak and many towns don’t permit it. Public comments are helpful, he said.

One resident said he has seen improvement and likes that board members disagree because it means they care.

The Chesterville town website includes photographs by resident Jane Naliboff.